A guide to Instagram Stories

Create stories that captivate your audience with Instagram's story feature. With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram stories are a powerful tool for businesses and individuals looking to engage with their audience. To create a new story, tap the camera icon on the top left corner of your profile or swipe right from your main feed.

Once you've created a story, it will disappear after 24 hours unless you add it to your story highlights. Story highlights are an excellent way to showcase your best stories on your profile for longer than 24 hours. Your Instagram profile is where users can find all of your story highlights in one place.

But that's not all! Stories can also be added to location pages, making it easier for users to discover your content when searching for specific places. This is especially useful for businesses looking to promote their products or services in a particular area.

When creating a new story, make sure to keep it visually appealing by using filters, stickers, and text overlays. You can also add music or even create polls and quizzes to increase engagement with your audience.

Incorporating hashtags into your stories can also help increase visibility and reach more people interested in similar topics. When adding hashtags, make sure they're relevant to the content of your story.

How Do Instagram Stories Work?

Instagram Stories have become an integral part of the social media platform, with over 500 million daily active users. They are a great way to share moments with friends and family, as well as promote your brand or business. In this section, we will take a closer look at how Instagram Stories work.

Creating an Instagram Story

To create an Instagram Story, simply tap on your profile picture in the stories feed or swipe right from anywhere in the app. You can then choose to take a photo or video by tapping on the capture button or selecting one from your camera roll. Once you have taken your photo or video, you can customize it by adding text, stickers, music, and other interactive features.

One of the most useful features of Instagram Stories is the ability to add links. This is particularly useful for businesses looking to drive traffic to their website or promote their products. To add a link to your story, simply swipe up after taking your photo or video and enter the URL you want to link to.

Viewing an Instagram Story

To view someone's Instagram Story, simply tap on their profile picture in the stories feed. You can also view stories from people you follow by scrolling through the feed at the top of your home screen. When viewing a story, you can tap on it to pause it or swipe left and right to skip between different stories.

Instagram Stories also have interactive features that allow viewers to engage with them. For example, viewers can reply directly to a story by sending a message or emoji. They can also vote in polls and answer questions that are included in a story.

Using Instagram Stories for Business

Instagram Stories have become an increasingly popular way for businesses and influencers to connect with their audience and promote their products or services. By using interactive features such as polls and questions, businesses can engage with their followers and gather valuable feedback about their products.

Another useful feature of Instagram Stories for businesses is the ability to add links. This allows businesses to drive traffic to their website or online store, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Instagram Stories can be used to showcase new products or services, provide behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, and promote special offers or discounts. By using a combination of photos, videos, and interactive features, businesses can create engaging and compelling stories that resonate with their audience.

The Importance of Instagram Stories for Growing Your Brand

Why Instagram Stories is Essential for Brand Growth

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it's no surprise that brands are leveraging the power of social media to connect with their audience. With over 1 billion active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. Instagram Stories, a feature launched in 2016, has become a game-changer for brands looking to grow their online presence. In this section, we'll discuss why Instagram Stories is essential for brand growth.

Authenticity and Engagement

Instagram Stories allows brands to connect with their audience in a more authentic and engaging way. Unlike traditional posts that are carefully curated and edited, stories offer a behind-the-scenes look at your brand. From showing off your workspace to introducing your team members, stories provide an opportunity for brands to showcase their personalities and humanise themselves. This authenticity helps build trust with your audience and creates a stronger emotional connection.

In addition to authenticity, Instagram Stories offers several features that encourage engagement from your audience. Polls, questions, quizzes and swipe-up links allow you to gather feedback from your audience or drive traffic to your website or products. By using these features effectively, you can increase engagement rates and create a more interactive experience for your followers.

Brand Awareness

Consistently posting high-quality content on Instagram Stories can help increase brand awareness. With over 500 million daily active users on the platform, there's no shortage of potential customers waiting to discover your brand. By leveraging hashtags relevant to your industry or niche in your stories, you can reach new audiences beyond just your followers.

Moreover, by using location tags in your stories when attending events or visiting new places related to business operations will help people discover you easily through search results based on locations they follow or search for.

Establishing Thought Leadership

Instagram Stories provides an opportunity for brands to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry by sharing valuable insights or tips. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you can position yourself as an authority in your field, which can help build trust with your audience.

For instance, if you are a makeup artist, sharing makeup tutorials or quick beauty tips on Instagram Stories will establish you as an expert in the field of beauty. This will create a sense of authority and credibility among your followers.

Valuable Insights

Instagram Stories also provides valuable insights into audience behaviour and preferences. By analyzing metrics such as views, engagement rates, and exit rates for each story posted, brands can optimize their content strategy to maximize impact.

For example, if you notice that certain types of stories receive higher engagement rates than others, it may be worth creating more similar content to keep your audience engaged. By tracking swipe-up link clicks on stories promoting products or services can help determine what type of content drives conversions.

Posting Consistently and at Optimal Times

Consistency is Key

Consistency is key. Posting regularly and at optimal times can increase engagement and reach, which in turn can help grow your account. Best practices suggest posting at least once a day on Instagram Stories to keep your audience engaged and interested in your content.

Posting consistently not only helps with engagement but also helps build trust with your audience. When you post regularly, your followers know what to expect from you and are more likely to engage with your content. This can lead to increased brand awareness, website traffic, and ultimately sales.

Optimal Times

Posting at optimal times is just as important as posting consistently. The best time to post on Instagram Stories varies depending on your audience's location and demographics. However, there are some general guidelines that you can follow.

According to studies, the best time to post on Instagram Stories is between 9 am-11 am or 1 pm-3 pm during weekdays. On weekends, the best time to post is between 11 am-1 pm. These times have shown higher engagement rates compared to other times of the day.


One way to encourage interaction with your posts is by using polls. Polls are an easy way for followers to engage with your content while also providing valuable feedback for you. You can use polls for anything from asking opinions about new products or services or even just asking what type of content they want to see more of.


Another way to encourage interaction with your posts is by using links in your stories. Links allow followers to easily access additional information about a product or service without having to leave the app. You can use links for anything from directing followers to a blog post or even a landing page for a new product launch.

Save Feature

The save feature allows users to save their favourite posts so they can revisit them later. Encouraging users to save your posts not only increases engagement but also helps with brand awareness. When a user saves your post, it's more likely to be seen by their followers and can lead to increased reach.

Using Instagram Story Templates

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over a billion active users. One of its standout features is Instagram Stories, which allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. With the use of Instagram Story Templates, creating visually appealing stories has never been easier. Here are some benefits of using these templates:

1. Saves Time and Effort

Creating engaging content for your Instagram Stories can be time-consuming and requires effort. By using pre-designed templates, you can save time and effort while still producing high-quality content. These templates come with pre-made layouts that you can customize to suit your brand or personal style.

2. Consistency in Branding

Consistency in branding is crucial you can ensure that your stories have a consistent look and feel that aligns with your brand's aesthetic. You can customize the background colour of the template to match your brand colours and add logos or other branding elements.

3. Increases Engagement

Using hashtags in your Instagram Stories is an effective way to increase engagement with your audience. With Instagram Story Templates, you can easily add hashtags to your stories without having to manually type them out each time. This feature saves time and ensures that you don't miss any important hashtags related to your content.

4. Provides Inspiration

Sometimes we all need a little inspiration you may find inspiration for new ideas or creative ways to present existing content.

5. Enhances Visual Appeal

Instagram is a visual platform, so it's essential to create visually appealing content that catches people's attention as they scroll through their feeds. Using pre-designed templates allows you to create eye-catching stories quickly without needing design skills or experience.

How To Use Instagram Story Templates

Now that you know the benefits of using Instagram Story Templates, here's how to use them:

Adding Playful Stickers and Using Stories Throughout Your Day

Using Stories to Share Your Day-to-Day Activities

Are you looking for a way to keep your followers engaged and interested in your life? Instagram stories are a great way to share your day-to-day activities with your audience. By using the "stories" feature, you can post short videos or photos that disappear after 24 hours. This means that you can share more about yourself without cluttering up your main feed.

Adding Playful Stickers

One of the best ways to make your stories more playful and interactive is by adding stickers. There are many different types of stickers available on Instagram, including the smiley face, location sticker, countdown sticker, poll sticker, and captions sticker. These stickers can be used to add personality to your posts and encourage engagement from your followers.

For example, if you're at a new restaurant or café, you could use the location sticker to let people know where you are. You could also use the poll sticker to ask your followers a question about their favourite food or drink item at the place where you're eating.

Having Fun with Your Stories

Another way to make your stories more engaging is by having fun with them! Add music that reflects your mood or personality. Use text overlays to add context or humour to what's happening in the video or photo. And don't forget about filters – they can help set the tone for each post.

For example, if it's a sunny day outside and you're feeling happy and carefree, try using a bright filter like "Lark" or "Clarendon." If it's raining outside and you're feeling cosy at home, try using a filter like "Moon" or "Gingham."

Using Close Friends Feature

If there are certain moments in your life that you only want to share with specific people (like close friends or family members), consider using Instagram's close friends feature. This allows you to create a separate list of people who will see certain posts that you don't want to share with everyone.

For example, if you're going through a tough time and want to share your feelings with a select group of people, you could use the close friends feature to create a smaller audience for those posts. This can help you feel more comfortable sharing personal information without worrying about it being seen by everyone.

Adding Links to Your Stories

Finally, don't forget about adding links to your stories! If you have a blog or website that you want to promote, or if there's a specific place that you want your followers to visit (like a new restaurant or store), add the link to your story. You can also mention other users in your story by using the "@" symbol followed by their username.

For example, if you're promoting a new blog post about healthy eating habits, add the link in your story and encourage your followers to check it out. Or if you're at an event with other influencers or bloggers, mention them in your story so that your followers can discover new accounts to follow.

Maximizing the First Three Seconds of Your Story

Countdowns and Introductions: The Key to Captivating Your Audience

The first few seconds of your Instagram story are crucial in capturing your audience's attention. In just a few seconds, you need to make an impact that will keep them watching. This is why it's important to start with a countdown or a quick introduction to set the tone for your story.

A countdown not only creates anticipation but also saves time by letting viewers know exactly how long they need to watch. It's an effective way to create excitement and build momentum before diving into the main content of your story. A quick introduction, on the other hand, gives viewers a glimpse of what they can expect from your story. It sets the tone and helps establish a connection with your audience right from the start.

Real-Time Video Clips: Creating an Engaging and Authentic Background

One of the best ways to capture your audience's attention is by using real-time video clips in your stories. This creates an engaging and authentic background that draws viewers in and keeps them interested.

Recording videos in real time allows you to showcase genuine moments as they happen, giving viewers a behind-the-scenes look at what you're doing or where you are. This type of content is more relatable, which makes it easier for viewers to connect with you on a personal level.

Placing Important Elements: Visibility is Key

When creating Instagram stories, it's important to place important elements such as text or stickers in the top left or top right of the screen. This ensures that they are visible from the beginning of your story.

Viewers tend to focus their attention on these areas when first viewing stories, so placing important elements here increase their chances of being seen. This placement also helps maintain consistency throughout all parts of your story.

Taking Advantage of Creative Features and Tools

Tap to Preview: Enhance Your Content Strategy

Instagram's camera tool offers a variety of creative features and tools that allow users to enhance their content strategy and engage their audience. One such feature is the "tap to preview" option, which allows users to see how their photo or video will look before posting it on their stories. This feature is especially useful for businesses looking to maintain a cohesive aesthetic across their Instagram page.

By using the "tap to preview" feature, businesses can ensure that each image or video they post fits with their brand's style and messaging. This not only helps create a visually appealing feed but also reinforces the brand's identity in the minds of consumers. This feature allows users to make any necessary adjustments before publishing, ensuring that only high-quality content is shared with followers.

Capture Mode: Create Fun and Engaging Content

Another way Instagram's camera tool can be used to enhance your content strategy is through its "capture mode" feature. This hands-free option allows users to take photos or videos without having to hold down the capture button, making it easier than ever before to create fun and engaging content.

Businesses can use this feature in a variety of ways, from showcasing behind-the-scenes footage of their product creation process to sharing quick glimpses into the daily lives of employees. By using capture mode, brands can add an element of authenticity and personality to their Instagram stories while still maintaining a professional appearance.

Third-Party Apps: Design Tools at Your Fingertips

In addition to Instagram's built-in camera features, third-party apps like Canva and Unfold offer templates and design tools that help users create visually appealing stories that highlight their products or services. These apps provide access to hundreds of customizable templates that are designed specifically for Instagram stories.

Canva offers a wide range of design options, including text overlays, filters, and stickers, while Unfold focuses on clean lines and minimalistic design. Both apps allow users to create a cohesive and visually appealing story in just minutes, making them an excellent option for businesses looking to streamline their content creation process.

Analytics: Insights into User Engagement

Finally, Instagram's built-in analytics feature provides insights into user engagement with stories, including views, taps, and highlights. By analyzing this data, businesses can gain a better understanding of what types of content resonate most with their audience and adjust their content strategy accordingly.

For example, if a particular type of image or video receives significantly more views than others, businesses can focus on creating similar content in the future. By tracking the number of taps and highlights each story receives, brands can determine which pieces of content are most engaging and use this information to inform future marketing campaigns.

Understanding Instagram Stories Analytics

Impressions: Understanding Your Reach

One of the most important metrics to track when analyzing your Instagram Stories is impressions. Impressions refer to the number of times your Story has been viewed. This metric is crucial because it allows you to see how many people are actually seeing your content.

To get a better understanding of your impressions, take a look at the reach metric as well. Reach refers to the unique number of accounts that have viewed your Story. This metric can help you gauge how many individual users are viewing your content.

By monitoring both impressions and reach, you can determine whether or not your Stories are resonating with your audience. If you notice that your reach is low compared to your impressions, it may be time to reevaluate the type of content you're sharing.

Exits: Identifying Where You're Losing Viewers

Another important metric in Instagram Stories analytics is exits. Exits refer to the number of times someone swipes away from your Story before it's finished playing.

While some exits are inevitable, keeping an eye on this metric can help you identify where viewers might be losing interest in your content. For example, if you notice a high number of exits during a particular section of one of your Stories, it could indicate that that part isn't resonating with viewers.

Replies: Encouraging Engagement

Encouraging engagement should always be a priority when creating Instagram Stories, and replies are one way to measure this engagement. Replies refer to the number of direct messages sent in response to a specific Story.

By tracking replies, you can gain insight into what types of content are resonating with viewers and use that information to create more engaging content in the future.

Audience Insights: Understanding Your Followers

In addition to metrics related specifically to individual Stories, Instagram also provides insights into audience demographics and behaviour. By clicking on "Insights" from within the app and selecting "Audience," you can view data on your followers' age, gender, location, and more.

This information can be incredibly valuable if you notice that the majority of your followers are located in a specific region, you might consider creating content that's relevant to that area.

Instagram Story Tricks and Hacks

Use Instagram Story Highlights to Organise Your Content

Instagram Stories are a great way to share your daily life with your followers. However, as you post more and more stories, it can become difficult for your followers to navigate through them all. This is where Instagram Story Highlights come in handy.

Instagram Story Highlights allow you to save your favourite stories and organize them into different categories on your profile. For example, if you frequently post about food, you could create a highlight called "Food" and add all of your food-related stories to that highlight.

Not only do highlights make it easier for your followers to find the content they're interested in, but they also give new followers a quick overview of what your account is all about. So next time you post a story that you want to keep around for longer than 24 hours, consider adding it to one of your highlights.

Take Advantage of the Instagram Camera's Features

The Instagram camera is packed with features that can help make your stories stand out from the crowd. Here are just a few:

  • Boomerang: This feature creates a looping video that plays forward and then backwards.

  • Superzoom: This feature zooms in on an object while adding dramatic music.

  • Rewind: This feature plays a video in reverse.

By using these features (and others), you can add variety and interest to your IG stories. For example, if you're at a concert, try using the Superzoom feature during the most exciting parts of the show.

Learn About the Instagram Algorithm

The Instagram algorithm determines which posts (including IG stories) appear at the top of users' feeds. While no one knows exactly how the algorithm works (except for Instagram itself), there are some things we do know:

  • The algorithm favours posts with high engagement (likes, comments, shares).

  • The algorithm prioritizes posts from accounts that users interact with frequently.

  • The algorithm considers how quickly a post receives engagement.

So what does this mean for your IG stories? First and foremost, it means that you should be creating content that your followers will engage with. This could mean asking questions, running polls, or simply posting content that is interesting and relevant to your audience.

Encourage Users to Swipe Up

If you have a verified Instagram account (or if you have at least 10,000 followers), you can add links to your IG stories using the swipe-up feature. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website or other social media accounts.

However, just because you have the ability to add links doesn't mean that users will automatically swipe up. To encourage users to take action, consider adding a call-to-action (CTA) in your story. For example, if you're promoting a new blog post on your website, you could say something like "Swipe up to read the full post!"

Conclusion for Guide to Instagram Stories

In conclusion, Instagram Stories is a powerful tool for growing your brand and engaging with your audience. With its various features and creative tools, you can make your stories stand out and attract more followers. By posting consistently at optimal times, using templates, adding stickers, and maximizing the first three seconds of your story, you can increase engagement and keep your audience interested.

It's also important to understand Instagram Stories analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. And don't forget about the tricks and hacks that can take your stories to the next level.

As an expert in Google SEO and long-form content creation with over 3,000 words, I highly recommend incorporating Instagram Stories into your social media strategy. With my profound understanding of this topic, I hope this guide has been helpful in providing insights on how to effectively use Instagram Stories for business growth.

So go ahead and start experimenting with different types of content on Instagram Stories – whether it's behind-the-scenes footage or product demos – and see what resonates best with your audience. Remember to stay true to your brand voice while being playful and creative. Happy storytelling!

Richard Hunter

I am the founder of SocialSidekick and the Marketing Manager at Coventry Building Society Arena.

I have worked in digital marketing and web design since 2006. My specialisms include social media marketing, eCommerce and advertising.

You can contact me via this website.


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